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Friday 15th October - Pizza muffins

We are trying to raise money for school through trialling the selling of Pizza Muffins on Friday 15th October for children in years 1 to 6. 


A pizza muffin is half a muffin with tomato sauce and cheese topping.  


Pizza muffins will be sold for 50p and parents must pay for these in advance via the school gateway between the dates of 30/09/2021 - 11/10/2021. We cannot accept any form of payment after this date due to needing to buy supplies etc. Please do not send your child into school with change. 


Children whose parents have paid for a muffin will receive it at breaktime on Friday 15th October.


Any profits made after paying catering service to ‘make the muffins’ and pay for raw materials will go into the Junior Leaders fund for purchase to support child led enrichment activities in school. 



