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Eco Leaders

Summer 1 Eco leaders meeting.

Sowing our seeds to nurture and keep indoors.

Eco Leaders 21/02/24

We looked at the different sizes and shapes of fruit and vegetable seeds.

January Eco Leaders minutes

Book Swap: Thursday 30th November 2023

The Eco leaders organised a book swap for the whole school. 

They have been busy finding top tips in order to cut down carbon emissions. One of the ways we looked at was to share and recycle our old books which then become a new book to someone else. We invited the children to bring in a book which they would like to swap in their class in order to reuse and recycle. 

We had a great turn out and the children were so excited to take home a new book! 

Thank you to the parents/carers who supported this event at HWP. 

Eco Leaders

Still image for this video
Tuesdays top tip from the Eco Leaders is to turn down your heating by one degree to help with Carbon emissions.

Watch out for our Tuesday tweets in November.

The Eco leaders will be will be posting top tips on how we can all do our bit to cut carbon emissions. 

Every little helps


A huge congraulations to our new Eco leaders 

  Urangoo - Year 1 

Nuran- Year 2

Zayn -Year 3

Jasmine - Year 4 

Lexi - Year 5

Tyler - Year 6 

Myself and Mrs Ross are looking forward to some new exciting projects with our 2023/24 Eco leaders.

Look out for our first Eco leaders meeting date.



Thursday 28th September 2023


During our meeting we discussed the role of an ECO leader and what  project  we would like to further investigate.

We are going to be looking into 'Cutting Carbon' within our school and homes and come up with strategies we can all use.

We also have Severn Trent coming into school at the end of November to lead an assembly and deliver workshops to Key Stage 1.

Hopefully; we will be able to help our school and the wider community reduce carbon emissions.

ECO Team check out the link below to see how you can help Hedgehogs in your own back garden.

RSPD Bird watch
