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Designated Professional Safeguarding Lead


THE DESIGNATED SAFEGUARDING LEAD (DSL) is a senior member of the school’s leadership team who is designated to take lead responsibility for dealing with safeguarding issues.


The role of the DSL for Child Protection is to take responsibility for dealing with child protection issues, provide advice and support to other staff, liaising with the local authority and working with other agencies to ensure all children at our school are safe.


The DSL's in school are:

Mrs Burgess - Head Teacher (acting designated person for looked after children)

Mrs Winter - Deputy Head

Miss Eadon- Assistant Head


Our safeguarding governor is Lance Williamson



If you have any safeguarding concerns

In school:

  • Please see one of our DSL's Mrs Burgess, Mrs Winter or Miss Eadon 
  • You can telephone school and request to speak with Mrs Burgess, Mrs Winter or Miss Eadon. It is important you explain when telephoning that the nature of your call is a serious safeguarding concern but please do not disclose details to our office staff.
  • Our safeguarding governor is Lance Williamson


Further support can be found from Nottingham City Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (known as MASH). See below


If you are a Child, a Parent, a Family Member or a Member of the public and have worries about a child - Please contact us on 0115 876 4800 to discuss your worries.

  • City MASH is operational Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:50 pm


  • You can follow this link for further information from Nottingham City Council

Nottingham City Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)


How do we keep children safe in school?

  • Weekly safeguarding meetings with Digital Safety, attendance and social and emotional health of our children standard discussion points
  • 3 trained DSL's in school whom are part of the Senior Leadership Team- these  are our Headteacher, Deputy Head and Assistant Head
  • Clear procedures for all staff and stakeholders to follow to report any concerns
  • A  strong curriculum which underpins our vision and ethos. It educates all our children on risk management and safety- some examples include: Digital Safety, Drugs, Alcohol, Sex & relationships and social/emotional well-being

Specific Examples of curriculum work include:

  •  NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe work                          Drug Aware 


  • DARE project                                                               GREAT project 







  • Regular training from the local authority to ensure up to date knowledge of new initiatives and government documents.
  • Safe recruitment practices inline with  Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2024


Who to Contact- Nottingham City


If you believe that a child is at immediate risk and in need of protection then you should call the Police - 999 immediately.

Alternatively, if you feel the child is a risk of abuse or neglect, but not in immediate need of protection, you should call the Police on 101.




If you are an adult who wants to speak to someone because you are worried about a child's safety or wellbeing but are not sure what to do, you can phone the NSPCC Free Helpline on 0808 800 5000.



Please follow the link below for information from the government on Keeping children Safe in Education. Following the link will ensure you can access all the latest updates in guidance.

Click on the E Safety Page Link above to access information about how we safeguard children online.


In line with the Prevent Duty 2015 (updated April 2023) Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism please follow the link below to the DFE website. You can also find information and advice as a parent if you are concerned about your child or someone you know linked to radicalisation.


Our safeguarding policy clearly sets out our approach to the Prevent Agenda.
