At Henry Whipple SMSC underpins everything we do. We recognise that the personal development of the children, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant role in their ability to learn and to grow into well rounded members of society.
We provide an education that provides children with opportunities to explore and develop:
Their own values and beliefs
Spiritual awareness
High standards of personal behaviour
A positive and caring attitude towards other people
An understanding and respect for their and others social and cultural traditions
An appreciation of the diversity and richness of cultures and the world around them.
Spiritual Development– The children’s beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for other people’s beliefs and values. We promote this @ HWP through the following:
Our Religious Education programme which includes visits to places of worship
Assemblies which celebrate beliefs and cultures from around the world and SMSC
Our 'Learning Away' and enrichment programme that inspires awe and wonder
A PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) programme that allows pupils to reflect on their own feelings and develop an understanding of the feelings of others, including readiness for 21st century Britain dangers and threats
Developing creativity and imagination through play, literacy, art, design technology music, dance and drama
Moral Development– A pupil’s understanding, attitude and behaviour to what is right and what is wrong. This is developed @ HWP through the following:
Providing a clear moral code for behaviour which is promoted consistently through all aspects of the school – assemblies and behaviour system
Focus British Values, Digital safety lessons, PSHE curriculum, Reading and Attendance Rewards
Promoting equality in relation to religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or gender
Giving pupils opportunities to explore and develop moral concepts and values through the curriculum – PSHE, Fair Trade topics, R.E., History, Geography, Literacy, Drama
Encouraging children to take responsibility for their actions, through PSHE and the Behaviour Policy
Learning about and raising money for charities
Adults modelling fairness, integrity and respect for all pupils
Recognising and respecting different cultures represented by pupils and staff in the school – cultural displays around the school, texts used to support the curriculum
Social Development– a pupil’s progressive acquisition of the competencies and qualities needed to play a full part in society. We promote this @ HWP through the following:
Encouraging children to work co-operatively in the classroom and playground
Fostering a sense of community with common, inclusive values through assemblies, the PSHE curriculum, whole school events including fundraising for the community, cultural celebrations, sponsored events, and regularly planned Learning Together events
Encouraging children to recognise and respect social differences and similarities
Providing children with opportunities to exercise leadership through a range of whole-school class responsibilities including Ambassadors as well as STEM, Eco, reading, and Well-Being leaders.
Through our bespoke PSHE curriculum, tailored to meet our pupils' needs - helping them develop qualities which are valued by society, such as: thoughtfulness, honesty, respect for others, moral principles, independence, co-operation, self respect.
A range of mental health initiatives including stretch and breathe yoga provision and dedicated 'headspace' daily in main school.
Cultural Development– A child’s understanding of the beliefs, values and customs in their own and others social, ethnic and national groups. We promote this @ HWP through:
Celebrating the attitudes, values and traditions of diverse cultures
Participating in city-wide events such as cultural celebrations, Primary Parliament and Primary Cabinet representation and sports matches and competitions, through the curriculum, assemblies, school social events and visitors to the school
Recognising and nurturing particular gifts and talents through after school clubs, Enterprise projects, our knowledge curriculum
Recognising and celebration of national events
Learning Together Spring 2024
Our Learning Together events this half term have had STEM focus. KS1 and KS1 shared their computing learning with their grown ups and Foundation shared their maths learning with their grown ups.
Elf Day
We have been fundraising for Alzheimers Society by dressing up as elves for the day.
Year 6 Choices and Consequences Workshop
Year 6 have taken part in the Choices and Consequences workshop at the National Justice Museum. They have been learning about 'joint enterprise' and what might happen if someone carries a knife
Nottingham’s Child Friendly City Launch Event
Our Ambassadors attended the Launch Event for Nottingham's Child Friendly City Initiative. The event also celebrated World Children's Day. Pupils participated in a selection on interactive workshops where they could gain an understanding of the priorities of the city and add their own contributions.
Anti-bullying week 2023
During Anti-bullying week we have focussed on 'banter'. We have discussed how this can very quickly cross the line into bullying. We have reflected on how we can 'Make a noise' about bullying. We have awarded certificates to the children who stood out during Anti-bullying week.
Hello Yellow for World Mental Health Day 2023
We have focussed on our mental well-being as part of Hello Yellow. The whole school participated in forest schools today. We recognise the important role the outdoors plays in mental health. We have worn yellow and made donations towards the charity.
Primary Parliament Autumn 2023
Our Ambassadors and Junior Leaders attended this terms Primary Parliament at The Council House. Pupils were considering urban design and contributed their ideas and visions about Broadmarsh. Children presented their ideas to other children.
Children's Mental Health Week 2023
We have been supporting Children's Mental Health Week. The themes this year was 'Let's Connect'. We have focussed on this theme through assemblies and class PSHE lessons. The well-being leaders encouraged us to focus on kindness throughout the week and they collated the 'acts of kindness' witnessed throughout the week, eventually picking a winner from each year group. We dedicated the Friday fully to our mental health and enjoyed a healthy breakfast, pe, yoga and forest schools.
Christmas Dinner 2022
We have celebrated Christmas as a whole school. We have enjoyed Christmas dinner together and shared experiences of listening to Christmas music and pulling Christmas crackers.
Children In Need 2022
We have celebrated and supported Children in Need 2022 by holding a non-uniform, team building day. We have raised money for the charity by collecting donations. Each year group has participated in different activities focussed around team work.
Anti-Bullying Week 2022
We have focussed on anti-bullying through PSHE lessons and assemblies this week. The theme of Anti-Bullying Week was 'Reach Out'. We have discussed what this means and how we can reach out ourselves and how we can reach out to help others.
Hello Yellow for World Mental Health Day October 2022
We have participated in Hello Yellow to support World Mental Health. By wearing it yellow we show all young people that they are not alone with their mental health. We used the day as a way to focus on our well-being. We have all enjoyed a healthy yellow breakfast, participated in physical activity and learnt about resilience in PSHE.
World Fitness Day September 2022
The Sports Leaders and Well-being Leaders planned a fitness assembly for the whole school to celebrate World Fitness Day. We have learnt about how keeping active can have a positive impact on our mental health.
RSE Day 2022
We have been celebrating RSE day by creating woven stars. The theme this year was "celebrating differences - everyone can sparkle". The wool on the stars represents all of our unique qualities. Councillor Georgia Power came to speak to the ambassadors about how we were celebrating RSE day.
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
We have been celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We had a celebratory lunch as a whole school and then performed songs and dances from different decades of the queen reign. The Junior Leadership Team did speeches about the key features of each decade.
Anti-Bullying Week
We have participated and supported Anti-Bullying week. We have thought carefully about the theme 'One Kind Word' and have worn odd socks to show our support.
Remembrance Day
Primary Parliament
Year 5 and 6 Ambassadors and Eco Team have participated in Primary Parliament. The focus was on COP 26 and what we can do in the city to be greener. We created a 'Green Machine' that reused and recycled. We presented our machine to other schools and Nottingham Counsellors.
Hello Yellow for World Mental Health Day 2021
We have celebrated World Mental Health Day by participating in Young Mind's Hello Yellow Day We have had a huge dance session on the playground and had a yellow lunch. Each class has focused on their well-being today though a series of lessons that focused on mental health.
Autumn 2021 Assembly Themes
Dogs Trust assembly
Being grateful
My personal best
Ambitions and aspirations
European day of languages
Harvest Festival
Black History Month
Children's Mental Health Day
We have dedicated a day to our well-being by participating in different aspects of learning that focus on the theme 'express yourself'.
RSE Day 2021
We have participated in RSE Day 2021. The them was 'faces'. The whole school have spent the day focussing on healthy relationships. We have created self portraits to display in the hall to show all of the faces of HWP. Some of our work has been featured on the RSE day live stream.
Summer 2021 Assembly Themes
International Family Day
Inspirational Artists
World Oceans Day
Eid Al-Fitr
Autumn 2020
Diwali Celebration Day
Every class has been celebrating and discussing Diwali. Each class created rangoli in the atrium to decorate for the event. We also created diya lamps and used LED candles to light them up. Each class then had their own celebration amongst the lights and decorations. We participated in drama, listened to the story of Rama and Sita, practised some Bollywood dancing, created garlands and discussed who celebrates and when and why Diwali is celebrated.
Children in Need
This week we have been participating in Five to Thrive as part of BBC Children in Need. The focus this year was all about children's mental health. We joined Joe Wicks for a work out to promote physical and mental well-being. We have had assembly in class and discussed the charity and who they help.
Young Minds Hello Yellow - World Mental Health Day
In support of World Mental Health Day we have participated in Young Mind's Hello Yellow day. We have all worn yellow and fundraised for the charity. We have spent the day participating in learning and activities to promote mental well-being. We started with a big healthy breakfast and then had a yoga session, forest schools session and a resilience based session. We created a mental health chain. Every child wrote a piece of advice, mental health quote or kind saying to connect the chain. The chain symbolises that, although we can't all physically be together at the moment, we are all in this together.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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