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STEM Leaders

Wednesday 24th April 2024

Summer 1

STEM Leaders met after school today, to talk and reflect on last terms project with the University of Nottingham students and the Festival of Science and Curiosity. Everyone agreed that their knowledge of programming and maths (angles, co-ordinates) had become much stronger. 

Below are a few of the children's own thoughts from this.

Overall, it was a fantastic experience to have been a part of. 

Tuesday 5th March

Thank you to the parents of our STEM Leaders, who came in to learn about their project for The Festival of Science and Curiosity.

Amazing feedback from them;

'Well done to the group and the school as a whole'

'Awesome experience for the kids and parents'

'A great opportunity for the STEM Leaders to experience real life STEM learning'

 Spring 2

After school STEM – Computing with Ignite and University of Nottingham students.  


Last term the STEM Leaders had been working with Ignite and students from the University of Nottingham to learn what comes before computers have programmes installed in them. Here is what they found out.



Binary is when words / instructions / algorithms are programmed in to the computer and they are changed to ones and zeros.

  • Trial and Error -  How you have to physically test instructions to see if they work - for example 1 right turn, 2 forward steps – Is this correct? If not try again and test.
  • Using uCode3 App to programme AlphaMini Robot (Mini) to follow our instructions.
  • They showcased their findings and their programming of Mini the Robot at The Festival of Science and Curiosity at the Council House. They also enjoyed the other pupil's experiments from different schools .
  • Below are some photos from the day for you to enjoy. laugh 


Tuesday 23rd January

We have just completed the second week of our after school learning with students and teachers from The University of Nottingham. 

Week one was all about introductions and hearing ideas about the steps it takes before programming on a computer or laptop. 

Week two was learning how the inside of a computer works, how words are programmed in to the computer and how it changes them to ones and zeros. This is known as Binary. The children learnt how to make different instructions and that they needed to be specific. These instructions were transferred to Mini the Robot who then carried them out. 

Working on Binary

Mini the Robot


Still image for this video

Spring 1

Welcome back after the winter break, hope you all had a peaceful, relaxing time.

Below are some photos of the POP day in school and work some classes completed together from Forests to the Antarctica.

This term we will be focusing on computing within the Technology side of STEM, with students from the University of Nottingham working with the children on a project. Photos and updates will follow later this term.


Autumn 2

Tuesday 21st November 2023

STEM Leaders met after school today to discuss a very important event happening next week. As part of STEM learning we will be taking part in POP Day (Protect Our Planet) which there will be live streaming and activities to do throughout the week. This also coincides with ECO week in school. The STEM Leaders will be choosing the best pieces of work from their class to display in school and we will upload some for you all to see.

Tuesday 19th September 2023

STEM Leaders had their first meeting after school today, we looked at our website and what the upcoming year will be about. We  watched a short video about an experiment we will be doing next half-term and discussed 

"How STEM connects to everyday life."



A big welcome to our new STEM Leaders.  

Tahlia - year 1

Aadidev - year 2

Shreebhav - year 3

Abele - year 4

Biyash - year 5

Guy - year 6

I am really excited for 2023/24 and our first meeting will be Tuesday 19th September 2023.

