Spring 1
Wednesday 22nd January 2025
STEM leaders met after school to continue the research on the Euro Tunnel. Below are a few facts for you but you will still have to wait for the full findings
It was opened on 6th May 1994 by Queen Elizabeth II,
13,000 people worked on it,
It is 75 metres below sea level at it's deepest and there are 3 tunnels.
Spring 1
Tuesday 7th January 2025
Welcome back everyone and a Happy New Year to you all!
Our next STEM meeting will be on Wednesday 22nd January and we will be continuing our focus on the construction and engineering of the Channel Tunnel.
As this is an ongoing project throughout Spring term, we will not be sharing all of our findings till the end but we will share a few with you .
Autumn 2
Wednesday 11th December 2024
STEM Leaders met today after school to begin gathering information on the building of the Channel Tunnel as part of the Engineering strand of STEM.
They were looking at how long it took, where the idea originated, how far under the English Channel it is and how long it is from Folkstone in England to Calais in France.
STEM Leaders will be working on this next term too (2025) so we will update our findings then.
Autumn 1
Wednesday 18th September 2024
After school meeting attended by;
Logan -yr 1
Trypheana - yr 2
Terence - yr 3
Oliver - yr 4
Dolcie - yr 5
Shawn - yr 6
We spoke about STEM, what we know about it, how it is connected to everyday life and we looked at different projects we would like to work on this year. We decided to concentrate on the Engineering strand of STEM, particularly looking at the Euro Tunnel construction. We will update our findings as we work through them.
Logan - yr 1
Trypheana - yr 2
Terence - yr 3
Oliver - yr 4
Dolcie - yr 5
Shawn - yr 6
on your new leadership roles. We will be having our first after school meeting on Wednesday 18th September.