Henry Whipple Primary School is a City of Nottingham School maintained school. All admissions to main school are organised through Nottingham City admissions.
Follow the link below for access to all documents from Nottingham city including how to apply for places and register your child for school.
Please use the link above to the Nottingham City School Admissions page.
Here you can find all the information on how school places are allocated, first admissions to school and transfer information from Yr 6 to secondary school.
The information above is from Nottingham City Council and includes the KEy Stage 1 and 2 fair access arrangements and guidance.
The website link below also advises on the admissions arrangements for coming school years.
To apply for a Foundation 1 place please request an application form from the school office or download the form using the link below. Please return forms to the school office to send in via email. Children will be placed on the waiting list once an application is received.
Children are admitted from 3 years old, and will be given either a morning or afternoon place based on their age. We also have 30 hours funded places available for those who are eligible.