Henry Whipple Primary School
Padstow Road
Bestwood Estate
Telephone: 0115 915 5723
E-mail: admin@henrywhipple.nottingham.sch.uk
Business and Premises Manager: Mrs S Kaur
Admin Officer: Mrs S Shaw
Headteacher: Mrs C Burgess
Joint Chair of Governors: Ms E Humphries and Mr L Williamson
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO): Mrs C Burgess and Mrs S Winter
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) Mrs C Burgess, Mrs S Winter and Ms Eadon
Designated Person for Looked After Children- Mrs C Burgess
Who to contact if you have any queries: School Admin
Telephone: 0115 915 5723
Our office hours are 8.00am-3.30pm