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Reading Champions

Reading Champions 2023-2024

Reading Champions 2023/2024

Our priorities this year will include: 

  • Record reading percentages weekly. 
  • Ensure the reading room is being used for full impact. 
  • Hello Yellow Day - children to organise books to share with their class to discuss mental health and well-being. 
  • Promote Reading for Pleasure.
  • Reading dens - to continue to monitor the effectiveness of our classroom reading dens. 
  • World Book Day - children to design and create something for the children to share on Thursday 7th March 2024. 
  • The Reading Well - create a space in our atrium area for reading for pleasure.  
  • Pupil voice
  • Empathy Day - Thursday 6th June 2024

Meeting Minutes: Wednesday 24th April

Our next meeting will be held on:

Wednesday 24th April

World Book Day: Thursday 7th March

World Book Day 2024


At Henry Whipple Primary School, the Reading Champions and Miss Buckley organised a reading wristband and a Who Am I? clue sheet. 

The children could design their wristband with their favourite books which they enjoy reading for pleasure. 

Thank you to our children and families for taking the time to do this! 


World Book Day: assembly

Wednesday 6th March 


The Reading Champions joined Mrs Hodgson to deliver an assembly to discuss what reading looks like at Henry Whipple Primary. 

The children were able to share why reading is so important and how we showcase this. 

The Reading Champions finished the assembly by sharing what reading for pleasure means to them.


Here they are:


Armarnah: I enjoy reading for pleasure when I am in the reading den in my classroom

Dania: I enjoy reading for pleasure when I am at home reading with my family.

Tia: I enjoy reading for pleasure in my bedroom when I am by myself.

Pedrina: Reading for pleasure is very important to me. I can read lots of different types of stories. I love reading!

Kyle: Reading for pleasure is special to me because I get the chance to read and learn new things. 

Brian: Reading for pleasure means that I can understand different stories and enjoy the true meanings of them. It makes you feel like you are experiencing them first hand. 

Meeting Minutes: Wednesday 21st February

Wednesday 21st February 2024


Thank you to all of the Reading Champions for attending our after school meeting to discuss reading for pleasure and World Book Day. 
Please keep a look out for our meeting minutes and a peek at our new reading area! 

Meeting Minutes: Wednesday 17th January

Book Swap: Thursday 30th November

Book Swap: Thursday 30th November 2023

The Reading Champions have worked alongside The Eco Team to organise a book swap for the whole school to take part in. 

The Eco Team have been busy finding top tips in order to cut down carbon emissions. 

So, The Reaching Champions wanted to get on board. Mrs Chambers shared with us a way we could do this is by reusing a book. We invited the children to bring in a book which they would like to swap with someone else in their class in order to reuse and recycle. 

We had a great turn out and the children were so excited to take home a new book! 

Thank you to the parents/carers who supported this event at HWP. 

Our new project - Tuesday 14th November 2023

Meeting Minutes: Tuesday 14th November

Tuesday 19th September 2023: Our First Meeting

Welcome to our Reading Champions. 


During our first meeting, we discussed what we are going to be focusing on throughout the year. We shared ideas and how we this will have a impact on school. 


Our first meeting: Tuesday 19th September 2023

Congratulations to our Reading Champions 2023-2024

Our new leaders are:

F2:  Romae

Year 1: Armarnah

Year 2: Dania

Year 3: Tia

Year 4: Pedrina

Year 5: Kyle

Year 6: Brian 


Our first meeting will be held on:

Tuesday 19th September 2023
