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Digital Safety

Digital Safety is an integral part of our Computing and PSHE curriculum as well as playing a vital role in the safeguarding of our pupils and underpinning all aspects of the curriculum.

We have developed Digital Safety lessons to ensure all children throughout school have the opportunity to learn about the benefits but also the risks and dangers associated with the digital world and using computers, the internet and mobile phones.

We aim to equip pupils with a wide knowledge of the digital world, its uses and also how to react and respond to different situations they may find themselves in and give them the tools to act as responsible users of new and developing technologies. We recognise our responsibility to educate pupils to manage risks, rather than over manage our systems and shield from all situations.  We encourage our pupils to take responsibility and make decisions when presented with situations which may not be suitable. This in turn aids them to then manage their behaviour when using technology outside of school and the wider community.



Tik Tok Guidance

Please see the link below for the latest update and advice from the National Cyber Security Centre. They have created specific advice 'Cyber Security Navigators' which highlights some of the most common cyber scams and malicious activity that a pre-teen and teenage internet user might come across and empowers them to make choices to keep themselves more secure online.




Common Sense Media


Online Safety Parental Support from O2


Please use the link above to explore a variety of apps/music/films and TV programmes which have been reviewed for different age ranges and their suitability.


Our SMART E Safety Rules

Prevent Duty and E Safety

In line with the Prevent Duty 2015 (updated April 2023) at Henry Whipple we recognise that the internet can provide children and young people with access to some information which may be harmful or share and promote extremist views.  As a school we have the follow safeguarding procedures in place linked to preventing radicalisation, E – Safety and the use of digital devices:

  • Strict filtering and monitoring systems through Nottingham Schools IT, Smoothwall and Jamf

  • Extremist, inappropriate and illegal content blocked, including key words and phrases linked to this via the Nottingham School IT service and Smoothwall

  • Both our Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher have had lead WRAP training from the Local Authority including how the internet can be use by extremists, including the use of social media to share their messages and recruit. Whole staff prevent training and refreshers take place annually.

  • Acceptable use policies to reflect the preventing of radicalisation and related extremist content. This was done in conjunction with Pupil ambassadors and staff.


You can access the government prevent duty here:


Specific government advice about the prevent duty and keeping children safe:



