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Register of Interests & Attendance Record

List of our Governors

Governors Declarations of relevant business and pecuniary interests

Jay Hayes

  • No Declarations 


Caroline Burgess

  • Chair of Governors at Cantrell Primary School 
  • Vice Chair of Governors at Snapewood Primary School 


Marissa Eaton

  • No Declarations


Jenny Digges

  • No Declarations


Anum Saeed

  • No Declarations


Lance Williamson

  • No Declarations


Hannah Webster

  • No Declarations


Emily Humphreys

  • No Declarations


Ahmadou Sanoh

  • No Declarations



Governance roles in other education sectors

Caroline Burgess- Snapewood Primary School Nottingham. Vice Chair of Governing Body.

                                 Cantrell Primary School Nottingham. Chair of Governing Body 


Here is further guidance on what it means to register interests.