Welcome back to the new school year at HWP!
I would like to congratulate the children who have secured a role as a new Sports Mentor.
Year 1 - Kenenna
Year 2 - Freya
Year 3 - Kaylan
Year 4 - Evan-Joy
Year 5 - Zariah
Year 6 - Evie
Sports Mentors
You will:
Wednesday 18th September
We had our first Sports Mentor meeting tonight.
Our pupils were given the opportunity to exchange ideas with the sports leaders this term in an assembly. We took on each pupil's views and introduced some new ideas to the playground.
We have seen an increase in pupil engagement, which also supports their well-being and mental health. Our outdoor play zones give children the opportunity to explore and try new activities. Active play helps our children with social skills-sharing, turn taking, helping others and trying to work out conflict (sometimes with adult support).
We have seen all abilities, genders and cultures coming together with no barriers to enjoy and play together.