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School Uniform

Our Uniform Expectations

We hold the highest of expectations for our pupils at all times and this includes their uniform and taking pride in how they present themselves.


Our Uniform consists of:


Required uniform expectations

  • Plain red sweatshirt/cardigans for Nursery to Year 5 
  • Logoed yellow sweatshirts are required for Year 6 only - available from school 
  • Plain white polo shirt 
  • Plain white shirt 
  • Plain black or grey trousers (not leggings)
  • Black footwear  (not logo’d)
  • Black trainers/ plimsols for PE days 
  • Black jogging bottoms appropriate for physical exercise on PE days


Optional uniform may consist of:

  • Tights but they must be red, grey or black
  • Red and white check dress for the summer 
  • Black/grey shorts  - not cycling shorts (girls and boys) (summer) for the summer but must be knee length
  • Religious headwear must be black,grey or white
  • Where children have a leadership role within school a jumper with this role printed on the reverse 


School logo t shirts, jumpers and PE jogging bottoms are available via the school office. 

Required and optional uniform can be purchased from any local supermarket, retailer  or second hand retailers and do not need to be with a school logo (*unless leadership role jumper). 


Stud earrings can be worn, child must be able to take these out for P.E. or have these taken out at home before school.

Alternatively covered before coming to school.

Hoop/long earrings are not permitted.

A small, inexpensive watch which is not a smartwatch or fitbit of any kind may be worn in KS2 (yr 3-yr 6) but must be removed for learning such as forest schools/P.E.

No other jewellery is permitted.



  • Long hair should be tied back with a small plain bobble

  • Plain bobbles and small hair grips/clips can be worn

  • Simple hair/head bands that are plain can also be worn

  • Red/white check small bobbles and headbands can be worn

  • Coloured hair braids, dyed hair, bows, hair extensions or large scrunchies are not part of our uniform


Make up 

  • Make-up of any kind including nail varnish and cosmetic additions such as false nails/eyelashes are not allowed 

* Note- At the headteachers discretion there may be some exceptions (culturally/through illness/other) These will always be discussed on an individual basis


      • Bags must school book bags not backpacks or sports bags.

      Please click the link below where you will find our uniform policy.



      Yellow Sweatshirts – £12 (Year 6 Only) Adult size - £15.50

      Sweatshirts - £10 Adult size £16.50

      Cardigans   - £11 Adult size £18

       Book Bags £6.60

      Water Bottles – 1.00

      PE KIT - £13.50 Adult size £18

      (Comprising of Black Shorts, Red T-Shirt & Bag)


      Red T-Shirt - £5

      Adult Red T- Shirt £9

      Black Shorts - £4.75


      Black jogging bottoms with school logo - £12.50 

      Adult size £17.50


      These can all be purchased through the Arbor app 
