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Where do I go for help with E Safety problems?

Where can you go if you need help?


Look at the advice below for different situations you may find yourself in.


What if I see something on my phone or the internet which I know is wrong or not right for my age?

If it is at school - close the lid on laptops straight away and report to your class teacher / teaching partners. You can also tell our safeguarding leads- Mrs Winter, Mr Johnson or Miss Eadon. 

If you are at home- come away from the screen and tell your grown up.


What if I am getting nasty messages?

You must tell a trusted grown up straight away. Remember you can talk to all the teachers at school. Save the messages to show a grown up. Don't reply to any messages- never be nasty back.



What if someone online is trying to get me to meet them?

Do not arrange to meet anyone you don't know.  Remember you don't really know who this person is.  As soon as this happens you must tell an adult you trust immediately.


What if friends are asking me to send silly photos but I don't want to?

Stay strong- if you think it is wrong tell your friends NO. If they continue to ask- try and talk to them about it and why it might not be safe. You can also ask trusted adults for advice.


What if someone asks me to send photos of myself without clothes on?

This is wrong. Never feel you have do this. If you feel pressured to do this by someone or friends you must report this. You can talk to Childline (see the link below) and report to an adult straightaway. Talk to friends and tell them what is happening to you  don't be scared to tell someone- always say no.


What if I am being bullied over the internet/facebook or nasty texts?

Any form of bullying is wrong and unacceptable. We don't put up with people calling us names to our faces and we shouldn't put up with texts or videos or posts which do this. You must save the message and share with a trusted grown up. We must know in school so we can help you and make sure the bullying stops.


Remember you can always talk to all the adults in school- we are always here to listen to you.

You can also get advice from childline-
