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Key Stage 2 Performance Data 2015

Key Stage 2 Performance Data 2015


At the end of Key Stage 2 when children are in Year 6 most will complete tests in Reading, Writing and Maths. There is also a test on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammer which is known as SPAG.  The reading and maths tests are then externally marked, with writing being teacher assessed. Following the test results and teacher assessment children are assigned a level based on their knowledge and skils and the ability to apply these.


The national age related expectation for children at the end of Year 6 is a level 4b.


Our Key Stage 2 data 2015

  % working at level 4 % working at level 5
Reading 77.3% 50%
Writing 90.9% 27.3%
Maths 86.4% 18.2%


72.7% 50%


% combined levels 2015

These percentages show children that achieved level 4 in all areas- reading/writing and maths and level 5 in all areas- reading, writing and maths.

% working at level 4 combined (in reading, writing and maths) % working at level 5 combined (in reading, writing and maths)
77.3% 13.6%


Progress Information

100% of our Year 6 pupils made expected progress from the end of KS1 to the end of KS2 in writing.


90% of Year 6 pupils made 2 + levels progress in  Maths from the end of KS1 to th end of KS2 and 95% in reading.
