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Attendance Leaders

Attendance Percentages for Summer 1

Attendance Meeting minutes 30/04/24

Pupil Voice 30/04/24

Celebrating certificates for children with 97% attendance

Attendance Percentages for Spring 2

​​​​​​Attendance Treat 

On 7th March 2024 all the children with 97% or above went to the Savoy cinema to watch the film 'Migration' as a reward for their good attendance. It  was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

The Attendance Team

Our Priorities this year are:

  • To improve punctuality of the children.
  • To improve individual children's attendance.
  • To meet the LA and Government target ot 97% for attendance
  • To continue to celebrate our good attendance 

Attendance Percentages Spring Term 1

Attendance Team Meeting 17th January 2024

An acrostic poem by our Year 3 Attendance leader

Attendance Percentages Autumn Term 2

Attendance Team Minutes 14th November 2023

Attendance Percentages for Autumn term 1

Attendance Team Meeting19th September 

The Attendance Team held their first meeting of the new school year. We discussed the importance of their role and ideas for encouraging pupil to come to school every day. we also came up with ideas for future attendance treats.


The Attendance Team have written a letter to parents about the importance of coming to school on time every day. Please read the letter.

Attendance Team letter to parents

Summer Term Attendance Treat

On Wednesday 26th July at 1:30 pm we held our attendance treat to celebrate the children's good attendance. The children tried four different activities - Rounders, Cricket, Parachute and Archery, with a picnic after two activities. Everyone had lots of fun.

Pictures from our Attendance Treat Wednesday 26th

Look at the video below from our attendance leaders. We know how much attendance matters to make sure we can achieve our best.

Attendance matters

Still image for this video