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Well Being and Emotional Health Leaders

Congratulation to our Well-being and Emotional Health Leaders 2023/24

                           Our priorities for this year are..........

    > Hello Yellow Day- Tuesday 10th September 2023, To design a poster for parents and children to explain all about Hello Yellow Day and help them understand the importance of our own Mental Well-Being and Emotional Health. (Theme "stand out and show up" )

   > Anti- bullying week- beginning 13th November 2023 Theme, Make a noise.

    > Children's' mental health week/festival

     > Whole school designing a healthy cultural meal, one to be chosen and cooked for the children at lunchtime.

    > Discuss what a healthy and unhealthy lunchbox looks like and design a leaflet to explain to parents alternative healthy options.Then make a display for whole school to see how much salt and sugar are in certain foods. 

> World Empathy Day-Thursday 6Th June 2024-Learning about different types of empathy.

Meeting Minutes: Wednesday 24th April

Photos of children collecting different data of food ingredients and finding possible alternatives.

                                        Wednesday 7th February 2024

 Today the whole school got to taste the final chosen healthy cultural meal during lunchtime.

                                          Quotes from some of the children.

                            Quote 1-The meal was delicious and i ate every bit.

                            Quote 2-I really enjoyed tasting a meal from another culture.

                            Quote 3-I had seconds and then my plate was still empty.

                            Quote 4-I enjoyed tasting all the different flavours.

                            Quote 5-This was the best meal I have ever tasted.

Meeting Wednesday 21st February 2024 Our special lunchbox project

The chosen healthy cultural meal of chicken pasta, garlic bread and fruit.

Meeting Wednesday 17th January 2024 about our current project and new project coming up.

  Discussed our next project all about designing a healthy cultural meal and the possibility of the chosen design to be cooked for children to eat and enjoy one lunchtime.

Meeting about anti-bullying week Tuesday 14th November 2023

Photos of the Well-Being Leaders supporting children during anti-bullying week.

Our new leaders are:

Year 1: Elisha

Year 2: Blossom

Year 3: Kyrah-May

Year 4: Peniel

Year 5: Dillian

Year 6: Unathi 



 Congratulations to our new Well-Being and Emotional Health Leaders.

Our first meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th September 2023 from 3.15 pm-4 pm.To discuss our first project of the year which is Hello Yellow Day.

Minutes from our first Well-being leaders meeting Tuesday 19th September 2023

 Today we had our first Well-Being Leaders project meeting all about Hello Yellow Day. We discussed the importance of understanding our own mental Well-Being  and Emotional Health. The theme is " Stand out and show up."

Photos from our first project meeting all about Hello Yellow Day.
