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Art Leaders

Art Leaders

Our Arts Team members have been elected to work as a team and contribute towards the planning and events of ARTS subjects.



They play a key role in art projects class or school based and also within the wider community and will work as a team and contribute towards the planning and events of ARTS subjects.




Congratulations to the the new Art Leaders who have been selected from each year group to join the ARTS team 2023/24 



Our Art Leaders 

Year 1 - Ahmad

Year 2 - Kinisiri

Year 3 -Abhishek

Year 4 - Yashmin

Year 5 - Aimua

Year 6 - Ismael 


We have a busy year ahead of us and look forward to planning new projects across the art subjects and aim to share some new ideas for upcoming events within school.






Welcome Back



Autumn 1


We had our first Art Leaders meeting after school to get a better understanding of our role, responsibilities and any ideas we had. We discussed the six areas within art and how that would look in school. When looking at previous events on the schools website we spoke about what worked well and the even better if's. We then looked at what resources we have in school to help expand our ideas for upcoming events. 




Autumn 2


Another term approaches and this time our Art Leaders are having a look at projects over the Year. We recently had a meeting on 16th November to design our own Art Gallery to display each classes art work each term relating their current class artist. This will give the children a chance to showcase their learning and fantastic creations. We also discussed the upcoming "Christmas Sing a Long" which will be held in December involving all year groups, so keep a look out for times and dates. 



To access more information about our meeting please check out our minutes attached below. 


Our Art Leaders Completed our Art Gallery and displayed it in the corridor outside the lunch hall. 


Spring 1 

Our Art Leaders met up for their termly meeting to discuss current and upcoming events in school. 


**Please see minutes attached for this meeting**

Spring 2

Our Art leaders had their termly meeting to organise "A Red Breakfast" for Red nose day this term which will be delivered on the 15th March. Please look out for photo updates of this event. 



Friday 15th March

Summer 1


This term the Art Leaders are organising a cooking competition where each class has to create a dish to represent a different country to celebrate World Day for Cultural Diversity. 


