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Did you know that learning this week has involved ..

Foundation Stage had a 'Mini Beast Road show' learning all about different Mini Beasts.

Years 1/2 went to 'The Yorkshire Wildlife Park ' and learnt about different animals and their habitats.

Years 3/4 went to 'The Birmingham Science Museum' and learnt lots of interesting facts.

Everybody celebrated 'World book Day' by engaging in lots of fun and exciting reading based activities.

Everybody got involved in 'Working Together' with their grown ups making 'Tornado's in a bottle' .

Foundation Stage had a 'Stay and Play' with their grown ups

Year 4 went to Top Valley Academy to watch their performance .

Over 120 children's mums came to Mother's day tea and work share.

Year 4/5 learnt all about 'Human Rights' from Nottingham University .

Year 3 started their 'Fit For Life' Program


Check out the Class Blogs for more information ...

