We all want our children to be successful learners who can make a positive contribution. Effective partnership between home and school is key to these aspirations as Parents and carers are the most important influence in a child's life. Amazingly, research identifies at age 7, a parent’s influence on a child’s learning is 6 times that of their school and even at 11 years old, it is 29% greater. Increased involvement can raise achievement by at least 18%. No involvement means low or no qualifications at 16. We are committed to the further development of home/school links at Henry Whipple Primary School.
To develop these links, we hold regular ‘learning together’ events in school.
These events are a chance for parents and carers to come into school to see how their children learn in a classroom environment while learning skills themselves to continue at home. We believe that this way, children have the best possible chance to achieve their best.
Feedback from these events have been extremely positive with some saying :-
“ I now have a better understanding of what my child has to do to achieve their targets”
A parent of a child in year 3
“This session has helped my child use different vocabulary in his literacy. I will be able to help him use different words and make better sentences in his writing at home”
A parent of a child in year 4
“The sessions are a fun and exciting way for parents to become involved in school life. My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed it” A parent of a child in year 1
We hope that you can join us at our learning together events that we have planned this year.
Learning Together Events - Scheduled for 2016-2017
Tuesday 27th September: Stay and Learn in Foundation - Phonics for Reading
Wednesday 5th October: Learning Together- Science- I Wonder? (all year groups)
Week Beginning 10th October: Maths Open Classrooms
Tuesday 31st January - KS1 Targeted Reading Together event
Monday 30th February - Bug Club: Reading Together events
Thursday 2nd March - Whole School World Book Day book share event
Monday 6th March - Stay & Learn: Shared Reading (foundation)
Tuesday 21st March - Foundation 'share a bear' enquiry topic event
Monday 27th March- Mothers Day Event
Wednesday 29th March - Parents coffee morning
Wednesday 29th March - Foundation Stay & Learn: Outdoor Learning focus
Tuesday 25th April - Key Stage 1 'Carnival Art' learning together event
Friday 28th April - Year 2 SATs carousel activities - learning together
Wednesday 17th May - Year 1 handwriting - 'writing together'
Friday 16th June- Fathers Day Event
See below for the plan for 2015-2016
Blogging |
Week Commencing 28th September |
Community Cohesion |
18th November |
Culture Share |
15th December |
Science |
Week Commencing 29th February |
Cooking |
Week Commencing 23rd May |
Money awareness | Summer 2 |