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Sports Leaders


Sports Leaders




Roles & Responsibilities

Our sports leaders know the rules and regulations for each sport our children experience in PE lessons and at break and lunchtimes.They teach the other children the correct rules  for any  sporting activities that are set out to ensure that games are played fairly and all children are included.In addition they act as referees. It is important to teach the children the right set of ethics and values to prevent cheating and misconduct.


Our sports leaders  have a three-edged role. They should ensure satisfaction for their peers, perform well for themselves and steer other children to success. A sports leader is someone in charge or organizing, guiding and managing others. They are visionaries who motivate and encourage their team to reach the desired outcome.

       Sports leaders;

  • Have a keen interest in physical activity
  • Are enthusiastic about encouraging others to be active
  • Know about how to lead an active lifestyle
  • Are able to explain the importance of physical activity and healthy living for all and its benefits
  • Have opportunities to create physical activities for other pupils
  • Promote competitive school sports events
  • Referee any sporting events, including lunch time sport and activities
  • Possess self-awareness, have a  focus on relationship building and have an unbiased attitude - this all contributes to help them judge fairly, exhibit humility and empower others.








