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How do we keep you E Safe in School?

Keeping all of you safe in every way whilst you are at school is our top priority and E Safety is a big part of this.


What do we do?

  • We have our SMART rules in place that everyone follows
  • Acceptable use agreements which are staff and pupils sign to say they will follow the rules- these were written with you
  • STEM leaders who encompass all areas of computing and digital literacy
  • Anti Bullying Week
  • Safer Internet Day
  • E - Safety working together events where we invite your parents to join us in class
  • E Safety planned into our curriculum and what we teach you
  • We have  meetings with Mrs Burgess, Mrs Winter and Miss Eadon called safeguarding meetings- here we will talk about any problems we have with all bits of keeping you safe including E Safety. We make sure we take action to resolve any E Safety problems
  • We have a level of filtering and monitoring- this means that as a school we have blocked some websites as they are not appropriate for primary schools. This protects you from viewing and accessing websites which may be illegal or contains things which are inappropriate for your age.
  • STEM meetings with Mrs Gunn

