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Progress Our Children Made

What are our expectations of progress?

This information is based on the now defunct 'Levels' and KS1 SATS. Last year, June 2015 was the final time levels and these tests will be used as new tests will be in place for June 2016.

We expect pupils in Year 1 and Year 2 to make 12 average points scores (APS) across Key Stage 1, approx. 6 each year, we also hold the highest of aspirations that a percentage of pupils will make exceeded progress.


Levels and APS

Levels children at working at begin at 1c which is the start of the national curriculum, levels then increase as children attain knowledge and can apply their skills. The table below shows levels which can be attained during Key Stage 1 and the point score linked to them.


Level  (Lowest to highest) Point Score
1c 7
1b 9
1a (Age related at the end of Yr1) 11
2c 13
2b (age related at the end of Yr2) 15
2a 17
3c 19


88.4% made expected progress

53.8% made exceeded progress



43% made expected progress

23.3% made exceeded progress



88.4% made expected progress

42.3% made exceeded progress
