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  • Newsletter week 13 to families ‘learning at home’

    Mon 27 Apr 2020 Cari Burgess

     June 2020



    Dear Parents and Carers of children in school


    Newsletter week 13 to families ‘learning at home’


    Wider Opening and school places   


    School remains at full capacity- should places become available in bubbles these will be offered up until Friday 3rd July only ,  Bubbles will then be closed .


    Teaching and Learning

    We have now hit 110 hours of online learning provision and continue to thank parents/carers who are supporting and supervising their children to ensure that all work is completed every day. Parents please make sure you are checking that children are completing ALL learning set  to the very best of their abilities and that children are responding to teaching staff marking. Staff are working incredibly hard to contact families to support this, it is really helpful if parents can answer phones because if not safeguarding procedures are triggered at school. The more emails, phone calls and texts we have to make or send the more money this costs school.

    On-line learning, high quality , bespoke learning will continue to be provided daily until the 22nd July which is the last day children are in school , a menu of Summer fun activities with be provided after this but will not involve on-line learning and the school blog. We will need to collect in all school IPADS by Monday 20th July 2020 for auditing purposes, please return these to school . As a school we keep evidence records of all support given remotely to enable this, if you still need help you must please contact us for the benefit of your child. Please be mindful that nearly all teachers are now teaching in school as well as delivering on-line learning re response times.

    Free School Meals Information


     Free School Meal vouchers will be sent via email this week to those parents/carers of children not in school .If you think you are entitled but not receiving vouchers please contact  or email  for a form and then email it to pupil benefits.




    Our own piece of history


    The Rainbow Walk – There is still time to do your bit please come to school between 10-2 pm next week to paint with your child, weather permitting of course. You can paint as much or as little as you would like.


    RSE Day


    Thank you to all who contributed at home please take a look at our children’s brilliant contributions on our Twitter account





    Mrs Burgess

  • Newsletter from Mrs Burgess

    Fri 24 Apr 2020


                                                                                                                                                April  2020



    Dear Parents and Carers


    Week 5 of LOCKDOWN – hoping you are all safe and well.



    We are particularly thinking of some of our families who we know are now affected by COVID19, we hope you get well soon. PLEASE follow the government guidance do not let anyone into your house unless they already live there or go to anyone elses house or meet up with them as you will be putting your own life and other peoples at risk .

    Teaching and Learning

    Thank you to everyone in supporting your child’s learning as this will help them stay on track and be ready for the imminent move up to the next year group – remember we normally move up at the end of June. As you know it is only 2 hrs a day but that is 10 hrs a week so 30 hrs so far.

    We will continue to post Reading to be completed first, SPAG and Maths every day and then once a week Science and Knowledge. There is no expectation to do anymore. Spanish is optional alongside ‘Team’ tasks which will be posted on their respective pages on the website. It is also vital that work is either uploaded or children record their work straight onto the blog so that we can complete our records of engagement, mark work and avoid staff wasting resources by ringing you about this.


    Part of our role at the moment is making sure everyone is safe and well and we love to hear how you and your children all of which is why we do need to contact you. If we cannot contact parents via phone or email we get worried and may need to contact other services, so please respond to us as soon as you can.

    Emergency childcare

    Government advice remains the same the safest place for your child is AT HOME however if you are in a family where all adults are keyworkers (as per the government list) or you are receiving support from social care or other support services you may be eligible for an emergency childcare place at school on a part time or full time basis. Please contact Mrs Burgess via the school email if you feel you need a place because your child cannot be cared for at home but please understand childcare is not a service for getting on-line learning done .


    Finally I just want to say I know this is a challenging, stressful time for everyone but we are a strong community at HWP and we will all get through this in the best way possible by working together. If you need anything contact us via the school email and if we can’t help we will be able to signpost you to a service that can. Please BE KIND if you mention our school on social media or don’t mention us at all, we are all working extremely long hours every day and through any holiday to support our community as you all are.


    Stay safe and well and look after each other and thank you for all for the amazing work you are doing whether that be at home or work or both – each individual effort is so valued and is so vital to our children and our school community.


    Mrs Burgess
